How Reflection and Brain Exercises Shape My Spirituality

LAST week, Bhumiksara Foundation hosted a webinar featuring neurologist Prof. Dr. Yuda Turana, Sp.S (K), in celebration of the foundation’s 37th anniversary.

As a professional educator at SMK Kanisius, a Catholic vocational school in Surakarta, Central Java, I found the event profoundly insightful. I’d like to share my impressions and highlight the significant benefits of Prof. Yuda Turana’s discussion on spiritual exercises.

Bhumiksara Foundation’s Mission

Bhumiksara Foundation primarily provides scholarships and formation to promising young Indonesians, particularly Catholics, and individuals from minority religious backgrounds. This initiative called the Pemapan Scholarship or “Future Leaders,” aims to foster a new generation of ethical, capable, and compassionate leaders.

Prof. Yuda Turana, a neurologist at the Catholic University of Atma Jaya Jakarta and the university’s current dean, is also an active member of the Bhumiksara Foundation. During the webinar, he presented on “Mind Spirituality,” exploring the relationship between brain activity and spiritual practices.

According to Bhumiksara Foundation’s Executive Director, Royani Ping, the webinar attracted 300 participants, exceeding expectations. “Everyone was highly engaged until the end, and although not all questions were answered, the enthusiasm was overwhelming,” said Ping.

Ms. Agnes Dosorini, a member of the Bhumiksara Foundation Board and the chairperson of the organizing committee, emphasized that the event aligned with the foundation’s theme for the year, “Grow and Glow (Bertumbuh Seimbang dan Bersinar Bersama).” The foundation remains committed to nurturing Catholic nationalist leaders with strong integrity, empathy, and intellectual capabilities.

Agnes Dosorini selaku Ketua Panitia Dies Natalis Bhumiksara ke-37 memberikan sambutan dalam webinar

The Role of Self-Reflection in Decision-Making

Prof. Yuda Turana highlighted the connection between brain structure, spirituality, and mental well-being. He emphasized the importance of self-reflection in decision-making, explaining that it activates the frontal lobe—the brain’s center for critical thinking and moral reasoning.

Presentasi Prof. Yuda Turana

Self-reflection goes beyond simple contemplation; it engages the brain in evaluating multiple perspectives before making a choice. More importantly, it fosters an interaction with universal and cosmic energy, potentially leading to inner enlightenment.

In a spiritual context, self-reflection can be seen as “listening to what God wants to say to me.”

As human beings, we possess a conscience, which scientific studies suggest is closely linked to activity in the frontal brain rather than being physically located in the liver, as previously thought.

The Following Are Prof. Yuda Turana’s Key Points

Reflection and Spiritual Growth
Reflection is a deeply spiritual process that adds meaning to our lives and strengthens our connection with others and the universe. We are part of a cosmic existence, endowed with the breath of life, and reflection helps us align our actions with a greater purpose.

Spirituality and Brain Activation
Research suggests that activities like meditation and prayer stimulate brain activity, particularly in the frontal lobe. Spirituality, which seeks deeper meaning, is intricately connected to this region of the brain.

My Personal Impression and Hands-On Experience

Self-Reflection in Catholic Schools
I deeply appreciate the emphasis on self-reflection in Catholic schools, where students are taught its importance from a young age. While these practices are on the right track, there is room for improvement. Schools can incorporate structured reflection periods at the end of each lesson, following activities, or before significant decision-making moments.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, young people are bombarded with information. Without reflection, this information lacks depth and meaning. Teachers should encourage students to process and internalize their experiences through guided reflection, helping them develop a more thoughtful approach to learning and life.

Activating the Brain Through Reflection
Prof. Yuda Turana emphasized that when people engage in self-reflection, the brain remains active rather than idle. Teachers can facilitate this by asking students reflective questions, such as:

  • What is the significance of today’s lesson for you?
  • How does it impact your surroundings and society?

Regular reflection fosters a more meaningful mindset. In my personal prayers, I always conclude with the phrase: “May what I achieve benefit many people.”
This practice helps me stay focused on serving others rather than getting caught up in material concerns.

Practicing Reflection at Home
At home, children frequently ask questions about things they encounter on YouTube and other media. This has reinforced my belief that self-reflection should be further integrated into education, allowing students to connect their observations with deeper insights. Teachers can assign reflective homework that encourages students to relate their experiences to a broader context.

In my family, we practice self-reflection every night by sharing positive experiences from our day and ending with a prayer. Our prayers go beyond personal matters, as we also pray for others. Though simple, this practice has profound meaning.

The Benefits of Self-Reflection

I believe self-reflection is now widely practiced in many Catholic schools. It not only reduces stress but also enhances frontal brain activity, leading to better decision-making and a more profound sense of purpose.

Catatan Redaksi: Artikel ini ditulis oleh Bpk Juli Pramana setelah mengikuti webinar Mind & Spirituality. Pak Juli adalah seorang pendidik di SMK Kanisius Surakarta dan katekis di Gereja Paroki St. Paulus Kleco di Solo. Sebagian dari tulisan ini telah dipublikasikan di Licas.News dan di Sesawi.Net.

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